Family Therapy

Traci Marando

Traci Marando, APRN-BC

Many patients seeking individual therapy have multidimensional issues that extend beyond their individual issues.

As a board-certified psychiatric nurse practitioner, I work with many individuals who seek to feel like their true empowered self rather than a dulled version of themselves.

They’re hoping to work through the deeper dynamics that may be affecting their relationships, and find the support of a therapist to mediate these challenges extremely helpful.

What is the Process of Family Therapy?

Family therapy is approached using a psychodynamic lens that helps all parties understand the generational patterns that may be recreated in the present. Many find that awareness of these ingrained beliefs and perspectives are the issues that are causing the challenges, and once understood and explored, their communication patterns are easier, and misunderstandings/conflicts easier worked through or released.


If you are considering or would like more information on family therapy please fill out the form to request an initial consultation.

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